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The Angela

Stanford Foundation

The Angela Stanford Foundation is a non-profit organization with a mission to serve children and young adults in our community, particularly those whose families have been affected by cancer.

I believe you need a purpose in life and when these kids get hit hard, whether it is themselves or their parents, we like to try and help them keep some purpose.

Angela Standford

Birdie Bonanza Pledge

Make a flat pledge or dollar amount towards the number of Birdies that Angela will make on tour in 2019. This is a great way to help the Angela Stanford Foundation raise money to support families affected by cancer by provided scholarships. Make your pledge today!

Angela Stanford is a golfer on the LPGA tour and a north Texas native.

While Angela’s golf career takes her to the far corners of the world, she always enjoys coming home to Fort Worth. In her hometown area, she enjoys giving back to a community that has given her so much.

As Angela’s career flourished, bright moments and remarkable successes were overshadowed by sadness when cancer gripped two women very close to her. The Angela Stanford Foundation was formed in 2009 and provides scholarships to help students whose families were affected by cancer and to make a substantial difference in the community.